
I’m a design manager, an artist, and an illustrator.

I help lead the creative teams at The Adcom Group, Cleveland’s largest homegrown advertising agency. When I’m not busy helping clients with creative solutions, I work on my own art. I have a love of illustration and t-shirt design and have had several gallery showings along with award winning wearable design.

I like working, but I also love my family and community. After college I returned to my hometown of Lakewood with my wonderful wife Allison. Allison owns her own Chiropractic and wellness office in Lakewood (Go visit her website) and we have 2 wonderful kids, with a third on the way. We are both active in Lakewood’s community groups from the chamber of commerce to local urban gardens, and regularly help school interest groups. We are always looking for new ways to get involved, and love Cleveland in a larger sense as well.